Manual of Good Practices

Manual of Good Practices

Inca World Peru is a tourism operator company in Peru, founded over 21 years ago in Cusco, Peru; and today seeks to raise awareness among its collaborators in ensuring sustainability for the benefit of communities, cultural heritage, and the environment.

General Objective

To raise awareness among internal and external collaborators linked to the company, towards the improvement of services through the implementation of environmental, economic-business, and sociocultural Good Practices that translate into benefits for all stakeholders, taking into consideration that they not only reduce operating costs and improve the image of the company but also of the destination, in addition to guaranteeing its sustainability and motivating the arrival of groups of tourists with greater spending capacity interested in benefiting communities and conserving the environment.

Sociocultural Good Practices

Sociocultural Good Practices

  • Supporting the recovery and appreciation of the music, dances, clothing, traditions, and typical food of our country.
  • Participating in the conservation and protection of natural and cultural heritage (tourist attractions) as members of different organizations in the tourism sector, such as AATC and CARTUC.
  • Disseminating the company's environmental, social, and cultural Good Practices among internal collaborators and our customers.
  • Promoting among our customers and stakeholders the purchase of handicrafts, souvenirs, and food produced or offered by communities.
  • Hiring local personnel to provide services.
  • Fostering a cordial and pleasant environment among our internal collaborators.
  • Motivating tourists to visit communities that develop community tourism projects.
  • Working on the basis of interculturality and respect for the "other", which implies respecting their way of thinking, doing, their knowledge, customs, their activities, and ways of expressing themselves. Maintaining a cordial and respectful relationship with tourists and the local population.
  • Establishing a humane and dignified treatment between the owner and their employees, creating a pleasant work environment.
  • Disseminating cultural activities planned in our city or in our communities, such as festivals, festivities, religious acts, etc.
  • Treating our suppliers and customers fairly.

Good Practices in the Provision of Service

  • Informing ourselves about the characteristics of the tourist we are going to attend (nationality, origin and destination, age, type of food, health, allergies, preferences, experience, etc.), to give them what they want.
  • Offering credibility and trust: providing real information, being punctual, fulfilling our responsibilities and functions efficiently.
  • Taking care of the image and prestige of our company.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude: smiling, being polite and respectful to all national and foreign tourists.
  • Meeting the commitments made to the customer in terms of quality, services, schedules, etc.
  • Caring about the safety of the tourist by hiring service providers that meet requirements of seriousness, safety, and trust.
  • Avoiding driving groups of more than 15 tourists, to guarantee the quality and personalized treatment in the tourist services we offer.
  • Carrying out environmental and cultural interpretation, that is, that the tourist participates, sees, feels, understands, and commits to the conservation of the environment and respect for the local culture.
Good Practices in the Provision of Service
Environmental Good Practices in the Office

Environmental Good Practices in the Office

  • Promoting the use of water bottles with internal collaborators.
  • Encouraging the use of returnable containers (glass, metal, or plastic for food use).
  • Using LED bulbs in offices for energy saving.
  • Training and raising awareness among employees of the establishment in energy saving actions.
  • Painting our walls with light colors that allow the light to reflect.
  • Unplugging electrical appliances that are not in use.
  • Reusing (reusing) both sides of the desktop paper.
  • Giving priority to the use of digital documents to minimize printing.

Environmental Good Practices Oriented to the Visitor

  • Contributing to the responsible management of the water resource, asking our group of tourists to:
  • On excursions and camping, do not throw dirty water in rivers or in the lake, but in rocky areas, without vegetation, sandy areas, or in a small hole and then cover it.
  • Use only the necessary water when washing your hands and use biodegradable soaps.
  • Do not allow tourists to pick plants or flowers, or make bonfires, scratch, paint, or damage our attractions and communities.
  • Do not allow tourists to disturb our fauna, especially during the breeding season and rearing, avoiding approaching their nests, colonies, or burrows.
  • Walking only on trails designated for trekking (walking).
  • Avoiding our tourist group from littering during the visit to prevent accumulation in natural sites or communities with no waste management.
  • Motivating among our tourists the use of reusable water bottles with greater capacity.
  • Not allowing the acquisition of any ornament or element from wild fauna.
Environmental Good Practices Oriented to the Visitor
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